Too much Fun in the Sun???

Even with my knowledge and access to the very best in skincare, summer definitely wreaks havoc on my skin. It probably doesn’t help to have red hair, blue eyes, and live on water but I’ve always enjoyed a challenge! Even with continuous application of the proper sunscreen I begin to notice brown spots, red splotches, and an overall dull appearance to my skin. Then to add insult to injury I usually end up with a pimple or two… Ugh! Truth be told, I do not angst too much about enjoying the Florida summer and neither should you! Thankfully, through customized treatments and proper skincare I can erase any and all evidence of fun in the sun!

There are a variety of treatments that can be used to improve skin texture and tone. The two treatments I use most often to accomplish this include IPL(Intense Pulsed Light) and/or Non-ablative laser resurfacing. Both of these procedures are relatively quick with minimal downtime and can be used to treat any part of the body such as neck, chest, hands and shoulders.
IPL, also sometimes referred to as a photofacial, uses light energy to eradicate any brown or red areas on the skin. It is also helpful as an adjunct to treating acne. Non-ablative laser resurfacing is a treatment that uses heat to boost collagen and elastin production in the skin. This makes the skin healthier on the inside which then makes it look better on the outside by minimizing pores, wrinkles, and overall skin texture. It’ s also an excellent way to erase scars.
Deciding which approach is best varies from person to person. A customized approach is something I develop with each individual upon their consultation. One thing is for sure, with the right treatment approach and the proper skincare our skin can be looking refreshed, glowing and flawless in no time!