Our Services

Are you bothered by ‘frown lines’, ‘crow’s feet’ or other wrinkles and crinkles on your face? These lines that commonly show up in our late 20’s to early 30’s are caused by repetitive muscle movements of the face. When skin is folded onto itself for years of smiling, frowning or squinting, lines begin to remain whether you are making a certain expression or not. Suddenly you can’t help looking tired, angry or stressed, even when you’re not!
Botox is a purified protein that should only be administered by a licensed practitioner. Tiny injections into the muscles causes them to relax and skin is no longer folded on itself. This allows your skin to recover and a definite improvement in the appearance of fine lines can be noticed. The procedure is quick and not associated with any downtime. Results take up to 7-14 days to become noticeable and typically last 3 to 4 months.


Stef says:

“I am often asked if Botox will make someone look “done”. As with all cosmetic procedures, Botox is very injector dependent, meaning who is injecting matters! When done expertly your Botox should help you look refreshed, not “botoxed”. Contradictions to using Botox include but are not limited to those with specific neurological disorders such as ALS, Myasthenia Gravis or Lambert-Eaton Syndrom, those with known sensitivity to Botox ingredients, and/or those with infection at the injection site. I always recommend to skip your work out for 24 hours after receiving Botox.”

IPL  is a nonablative treatment that uses light energy to treat UV damage to the skin, eradicate brown spots and broken capillaries, decrease the appearance of melasma, and restore a youthful glow back to the skin.  There is essentially no downtime associated with this procedure.  IPL can be administered anywhere on the body to treat the conditions as indicated above.

Erase Sun Damage via Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Stef says:

“For best results a series of 4 treatments spaced approximately 4 weeks apart is recommended. It is important to stay out of direct sunlight for at least 7 days before and after the treatment. Your skin will be extra sensitive to the sun after IPL, so it’s important to wear sunscreen and even a hat. Especially here in Florida!”

We are excited to be first to market with this revolutionary facial remodeling treatment. Evoke uses radiofrequency to tighten skin and eliminate fat cells in your face and neck by delivering volumetric heating to the skins subdermal layers. After just a few weeks of owning the device we already are seeing amazing results! Treatments are very comfortable, non invasive. The safe and effective procedure can be used on all skin types and skin tones. Generally 3 or more treatments are necessary for optimal results. Bye bye turkey neck, sayonara jowels!

Facial Remodeling with Evoke

Stef says:

“Treatment sessions typically last 45 minutes and you will need generally 3 treatments for best results spaced 2 weeks apart. So far I’m loving the transformation I see in my patients!”

Juvederm is a dermal filler that is used to replace volume in the face and lips. Juvederm is made up of a substance called Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which is a sugar molecule that is found in our bodies naturally.

Unfortunately, as we age the fat pads in our face begin to shrink. When this happens, we start to become bothered by ‘sagging’ in the the lower face resulting in jowls, laugh lines and a more squared facial shape.

Juvederm can be injected into the areas that have deflated to replace the lost volume and restore a more youthful appearance.

The treatment is relatively quick and typically is not associated with downtime.  As with any treatment in which injections are preformed, there is a risk of bruising and/or temporary swelling.

Results of Juvederm are immediate and last 6-12 months.

Juvederm Ultra Plus: Primarily used to enhance and restore thinning lips with immediate results lasting up to 12 months.

Juvederm Vollure: Used to smooth out facial wrinkles and folds with results lasting up to 18 months.


Stef says:

“I love using Juvederm to restore volume loss in the body of the lips.  It allows me to enhance the lips in a soft and natural way.”

One of the earliest signs of aging is the loss of volume in the mid face.  Most of the time when patients come to me complaining about changes they are noticing in their lower face (i.e. jowls, sagging jawline, heavy nasolabial folds “parenthesis”) the problem is actually occurring higher up on their face.  We have fat pads in our faces which provide structural support to the overlying tissues.  When those fat pads begin to shrink (atrophy) the skin loses some of its structural support from beneath and gravity takes its toll.  We see this as aging in the lower face.
Voluma is the newest nonsurgical modality available to treat and correct mid-facial volume loss.  Manufactured by Allergan, Voluma is an injectable made of hyaluronic acid, the same component of Juvederm.  However, changes in the molecular structure allow Voluma to provide more volume with less product and give results lasting up to 2 years!
Voluma, like other injectable fillers, acts like a temporary implant that is injected into the area where volume replacement is needed.  As with any injectable, the risks include swelling, bruising, redness and discomfort.  Voluma is primarily used in the cheek area and is not recommended for use in the lips.

In the same way Juvederm Voluma is used to restore volume to the mid face, Juvederm Volux is used to restore the jawline and chin area. Volux is great to use in combination with Voluma to achieve an overall lifted, more contoured appearance. Volux results are immediate and last up to 3 years.

Juvéderm Voluma XC and Juvéderm Volux

Stef says:

“I love working with Voluma since the results are instant but very natural. Your friends may comment on how rested you look.  For many patients it is reassuring to know that Voluma is reversible if, by chance, results are not as desired.”

Restylane Silk is another dermal filler made from Hyaluronic Acid (HA). Restylane Silk is unique in that it is made up of smaller molecules. This means is that it can be used to essentially ‘airbrush’ away superficial wrinkles and lines in your face and lips. It is a great way to erase ‘smokers lines’ and to fill in hollows under the eyes.

Restylane Silk

Stef says:

“I like to use Restylane Silk to enhance lips without creating projection of the lips allowing for a natural look. Duck lips are a huge no no in my practice!”

Sculptra is a product used to restore widespread volume loss in the face. It is what we call a “biostimulator”. This means once injected, Sculptra stimulates your body to produce collagen. This treatment does not give immediate results but works gradually over a period of several months. Once full correction is achieved the results last approximately 2 years.
Touch-up treatments will be required years later to maintain and improve results.


Stef says:

“Most people need an average of 3-4 treatments spaced about 4-6 weeks apart. Sculptra is NOT reversible. I would recommend a skilled injector only! I have treated over 1,500 patients with Sculptra throughout my career and am very confident in my abilities to give you the best results possible.”

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure to treat uncomplicated spider veins and uncomplicated reticular veins. The treatment involves the injection of a solution into the affected veins.  Once the solution is injected by a qualified clinician, the vein will break up and disappear.
Spider veins are very small and very fine.  They can appear red or blue. They are closer to the surface of the skin than varicose veins.   Spider veins are commonly found on the legs.
Reticular veins are also known as feeder veins. They usually appear either blue or green beneath the surface of the skin.

Spider Vein Treatment (Sclerotherapy)

Stef says:

“An average sclerotherapy session lasts 30 to 45 minutes.  It typically takes 3-6 treatments for optimal results, depending on the severity of the veins. Following treatment, compression stockings should be worn continuously for 2-3 days and for 2-3 weeks during the day time. No excuses!”

Subnovii is the first plasma device to employ LF (low-frequency) technology plus a patented wavelength and power combination. Instant wounds create a lifting effect on your eye lids, around your mouth or on your neck. It can also be used to combat crepey skin above your knees and on your stomach. There is downtime associated with this procedure, results will take 4-6 months on average to show. Come see us for a consultation!

Subnovii Plasma Pen

Stef says:

“The Subnovii Plasma Pen treatment is a great alternative to surgery. Downtime is only 5-7 days, and results can last 3-5 years. Using expert strokes I’m able to create targeted wounds to tighten and lift the skin. Non-surgical eye-lifts are my favorite but I can also treat other areas.”

After falling in love with ‘Vivace’ we couldn’t say no to the upgraded version! Meet ‘Virtue’, our micro needling device with RF on steroids! We love, love, love the results… and the really brave ones can do it without numbing time!  Let’s face it… We all want to look our best at any age; not overfilled and overstretched. Just natural and radiant. Virtue is a non-surgical treatment that addresses multiple concerns you may have:

Alleviate wrinkles and fine lines, tighten skin, minimize appearance of scars and pore size, improve skin texture and tone.

Your skin looks radiant and glowing within hours after the treatment, and it is virtually pain-free. Best part: NO downtime. 


Virtue - Fractional Micro Needle RF

Stef says:

“Virtue is my new favorite obsession… Treatment takes a little over an hour including time to numb your face, and results are amazing. For weeks after a treatment collagen production is stimulated and your skin looks healthy and rejuvenated. Generally I recommend a series of 3 treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart. Treatments are not limited to the face – any body part can be treated. I can’t wait to share Virtue with you! ”